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Artists Jacolijn Verhoef and Aram Tanis have made the short documentary Departure Bay in Scheveningen and Zeeland. The reason was the experience of Tanis' father, who as a child experienced the flood disaster in Zeeland in 1953. Conflicting feelings characterize his experience and memories. In the context of large-scale coastal developments for coastal protection, this is a special document, because the flood disaster gave rise to 60 years of Delta Works, which were recently completed. The latest innovation in this area is the Sand Motor in South Holland.


During their work at Badgast, Jacolijn Verhoef and Aram Tanis experienced how their way of seeing and thus the documentary was influenced by the daily view of the sea. There is something melancholic about the sea, looking out at the sea from the shipping container while it is raining and the wind is blowing hard. The sea puts things into perspective and at the same time encourages a more poetic view.

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Departure Bay has been exhibited among others at Siemens Sanat (Istanbul / TR), Watersnoodmuseum (Ouwerkerk / NL), International Filmfestival Cine al Mar (Sante Marta / CO), Into The Great Wide Open (Vlieland / NL), Mediamatic (Amsterdam / NL), Nida Art Colony 2014 (Vilnius / LT), Satellietgroep (Batumi / GE), Badgast (Scheveningen / NL), 7pk / Generation Why (Haarlem / NL), RAM Foundation (Rotterdam / NL), Stichting IK (Oost-Souburg / NL), Rewire Festival (The Hague / NL), Boulevard Scheveningen (Scheveningen / NL), North Sea Conference (The Hague / NL) and TodaysArt 2014 (Scheveningen / NL).

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